
Chief Specialist of CR Cement, Tao Congxi was awarded the title of "2022 Top 10 Pioneers in Technological Breakthroughs" of the Building Materials Industry
Writing time:2022-11-23

On 17 November, the National Building Materials Industry Carbon Peak Promotion Conference was successfully held in Beijing. The conference revealed the top 10 leading companies and pioneers in technological breakthroughs of the building materials industry in 2022. Chief Specialist of CR Cement, Tao Congxi was awarded the title of "2022 Top 10 Pioneers in Technological Breakthroughs" of the building materials industry. CR Cement's project, "Re-engineering and Demonstration of New Techniques in Carbon Capture of Cement Kiln Flue Gas", was successfully listed on the project list of the second batch of major technological research of China Building Materials Federation and simultaneously became a singed project of China Building Materials Federation. 

During the conference, Mr. Tao Congxi was invited to present on the topic of "Accelerate the R&D, Promotion and Application of the Advanced Technology in Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction, Comprehensively Implement the Green and Low Carbon Requirements of High-Quality Development". He systematically introduced the work progress of CR Cement's "Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction", innovatively put forward the energy saving and carbon reduction theory, "3C" (low carbon at source, carbon reduction during process, carbon removal at the end), and explained to the participants in detail about the green transformation and development concept of CR Cement.  

Mr. Tao Congxi has always led the team to promote the steady launch of scientific innovation works of CR Cement around the theoretic system of energy saving and carbon reduction. Among which, he focused on the system research of energy-saving and highly-efficient cement grinding aids and joined hands with universities to carry out the research on the technology of  making cementitious materials with industrial wastes, both of these two projects were honoured with the First Prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of Guangxi. Mr. Tao also presided over research tasks supported by the National Key Research and Development Program which integrates new techniques and new equipment to solidly advance works in energy saving and carbon reduction. Moreover, he and his team established the first R&D platform for 100,000-ton carbon utilization in China and promoted the research on techniques and systems of carbon self-enrichment in cement kilns to assist the steady development of the "zero carbon emission" technology of CR Cement. Meanwhile, the team attached great importance to the transformation of R&D achievements. They developed equipment with co-processing technology for rotary furnace, which can replace 50% of fuels. At the same time, they established the green and intelligent production line with "5G+ Industrial Internet" so as to provide strong support in achieving the "zero fossil fuel" factory and effectively lead the Chinese cement industry to develop in a low-carbon, clean and effective manner. 

Aiming to select units and individuals that have made major breakthroughs and outstanding technological contributions in fields such as guaranteeing the supply of national key materials in important fields, green and low-carbon development of the building materials industry and key research projects of the industry, and for those who played a leading and exemplary role, China Building Materials Federation selected the "2022 Top 10 Leading Companies in Technological Breakthroughs" and "2022 Top 10 Pioneers in Technological Breakthroughs". The title awarded to Mr. Tao Congxi has again proved that the industry has fully affirmed and highly recognized the R&D capability and technological innovation of CR Cement. 


Award presentation ceremony for the "2022 Top 10 Pioneers in Technological Breakthroughs" of the building materials industry


Presentation by Mr. Tao Congxi


Certificate of the "2022 Top 10 Pioneers in Technological Breakthroughs" of the national building materials industry

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