
Aggregates Production Line Project with Annual Production Capacity of 5 million tons in Shangsi Cement Commenced Operation
Writing time:2022-11-21

On 19 November, the completion and commencement ceremony of the aggregates project with annual production capacity of 5 million tons of China Resources Cement (Shangsi) Limited was successfully held in Shangsi County of Guangxi, marking the official completion of construction and commencement of operation of CR Cement's first large-scale aggregates project with annual production capacity of 5 million tons or above. The Secretary of Party Committee and the Chairman of CNBM Design and Research Institute, Cheng Hua, and the Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and the General Manager, Xie Xiaoning, along with the General Manager of Southwest China Region of CR Cement, Peng Fangqing, the Deputy General Manager, Zhu Xiaofeng, Wang Yun and Yang Yanbo jointly participated in the ceremony. 

Mr. Xie Xiaoning expressed his congratulation to the successful completion and commencement of project during his speech. He mentioned that CNBM Design and Research Institute and CR Cement have cooperated and exchanged for more than 10 years, he hoped that both parties could take this project as an opportunity to further cooperate in-depth in fields such as new type building materials, comprehensive utilization of solid wastes, smart factories, construction of industrial park and the exploitation and restoration of mines so as to help CR Cement to achieve diversified development and industrial chain extension, and both parties could complement each other while seeking development opportunities together.

The General Manager of Shangsi Cement Qin Baofa said that Shangsi Aggregate Project have come across various obstacles and challenges since the commencement of construction, but they have successfully overcome most of them. At a new starting point of a new journey, it is hoped that everyone would work enthusiastically and march forward dauntlessly, and transform the study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress into a strong momentum to found and do business so as to comprehensively contribute to the high-quality development of CR Cement during the "Fourteenth Five-Year" period with a more vigorous manner. Later, Mr. Peng Fangqing declared the official completion and commencement of operation of the project. 

This project is one of the large-scale aggregates projects promoted by CR Cement in Guangxi and the total investment has reached RMB420 million. The production line is fully enclosed and adopts dry process during production. Its safety, environment and energy consumption indices have all reached international first-class level. In the face of multiple challenges such as the Epidemic and extreme weather, the project comprehensively commenced construction in February 2022. However, it took less than 10 months for CR Cement to achieve smooth production which has steadily run the "acceleration" pace of China Resources. The successful commencement of operation of the project has further improved the core competitiveness of CR Cement and enhanced its market influence of the Company's aggregates business in Guangxi region and even the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Up till now, CR Cement has successively won the bid for 1.5 billion tons of quality limestone mine resources in Guangxi, a number of large-scale aggregates projects are under intensive construction in an orderly manner. It is expected that the production capacity of aggregates can exceed 30 million tons by the end of this year. 


Commencement ceremony


Full view of Shangsi aggregates project

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