
General Manager of China Resources Group, Mr. Wang Cuijun Investigated Hong Kong Business of CR Cement
Writing time:2022-11-09

On the afternoon of 8 November, General Manager of China Resources (CR) Group, Mr. Wang Cuijun visited the headquarters of CR Cement in Hong Kong to publicize the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and investigate the business development of CR Cement in Hong Kong. Chairman and CEO of CR Cement, Mr. Ji Youhong, the Vice President, Mr. Huang Ting, Director of the Mass Work Department, Mr. Shi Mingze, key personnel from Hong Kong's headquarters departments and the management team of Hong Kong Business Division and Redland Concrete participated the symposium.

Mr. Wang Cuijun inspected the workplace environment and employees situation of CR Cement in Hong Kong in detail and listened to the report regarding Hong Kong business development and the implementation of "Reshaping Hong Kong" by Ms. Lam Hung, the General Manager of Hong Kong Business Division.  

Mr. Wang Cuijun fully affirmed CR Cement's implementation of the Group's strategy of "Reshaping Hong Kong". He emphasized that CR Cement should thoroughly learn and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and President Xi Jinping's July 1 speech, while fully implementing the requirements of the "Four Reshapes". He also made four requirements for future works. First, pay close attention to Hong Kong's future development plan, conduct research and deployment from a strategic perspective, seize development opportunities from Lantau Tomorrow and Northern Metropolis and promote breakthroughs in Hong Kong business of CR Cement. Second, plan well the strategy for Hong Kong business development, sort out the business environment and operating rules of Hong Kong, conduct in-depth research on the competitive situation of the building materials industry and fully leverage the resources advantage of China Resources to accelerate the layout of business in Hong Kong. Third, pay attention to the integration and empowerment of the acquired companies in Hong Kong, improve system layout and fully stimulate market competitive advantages. Finally, earnestly fulfill the mission and responsibility of a central enterprise. Starting from developing well the Hong Kong business, CR Cement should promote in-depth community cultivation, incubation of Hong Kong youth and increase local employment opportunities. 


Speech delivered by General Manager, Mr. Wang Cuijun


Group Photo 

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