
Chairman of China Resources Group, Mr. Wang Xiangming Visited CR Cement's Headquarters for Research
Writing time:2022-11-05

On 4 November, Chairman of China Resources (CR) Group, Mr. Wang Xiangming and his delegate visited CR Cement's headquarters to publicize the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, and investigated the implementation of works in "steady growth" and "four reshapes" of China Resources Cement. The persons-in-charge of the General Office, Strategy Management Department, Human Resources Department and Finance Department of CR Group, and the management team of CR Cement, as well as major persons-in-charge of relevant departments and business divisions of the headquarters participated in the research.

Chairman Wang Xiangming earnestly listened to the special reports on the implementation of works in "steady growth" and "four reshapes" by Mr. Ji Youhong, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO of CR Cement. Chairman Wang Xiangming pointed out that since the start of this year, in the face of the volatile situation of the COVID-19 epidemic, the difficult market environment and other adverse factors, CR Cement has solidly promoted the work deployments and key tasks of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and the Group and has achieved certain achievements. 

During the research, Chairman Wang Xiangming emphasized that we should conscientiously study, comprehend and resolutely implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, while unifying our thinking and actions with the spirit, as well as decisions and deployments of the Party Committee. We should rapidly rise up an upsurge of studying, propagating and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC. We should adhere to goal guidance, coordinate advancement and strive to transform study results of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC into a momentum to complete all aspects of works of the Company with excellence, and examine the effectiveness of CR Cement's study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC with results of reform and development. 

Going forward, Chairman Wang Xiangming made four requirements. First, do a mid-term review regarding the "Fourteenth Five-Year" strategic plan around value reshaping, further clarifying strategies in terms of business development, industry extension and structural adjustment, and consolidating and expanding business market, while strengthening innovation, transformation and digital and smart development, as well as accelerating the research and development of new products so as to develop towards the direction of becoming a new type technological building materials company. Second, intensify innovation during the business reshaping, and seize the window period to improve the ability to incubate investment, as well as enhancing the industry and regional control. Third, continue to deepen reform during organizational reshaping, optimize management model and persist in examining cadres and training talents on the front line. Finally, carry forward the spirit of combating during the spiritual reshaping and promote the "entrepreneur spirit" and "innovative spirit" of CR Cement. 

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.


The meeting 


Speech delivered by Chairman Wang Xiangming


Group photo

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