
CR Cement was Honoured with the National Second Prize in the Thematic Track of "Smart Industry" of the 5th "Bloom Cup" 5G Application Competition
Writing time:2022-10-17

Recently, with reliant to the construction achievements of the "lighthouse factory" project in Fengkai, CR Cement jointly submitted the themed project of "Journey to transform high energy consumption enterprises to safe and low-carbon enterprises with collaboration to 5G" with China Telecom and ZTE. The project was honoured with the National Second Prize in the thematic track of "Smart Industry" of the 5th "Bloom Cup" 5G Application Competition.

The Competition was hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and jointly co-hosted by units such as China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, with the theme of "5G empowers digitalization, sets sail for a new journey". It attracted more than 1,300 projects from over 50 subdivided industries including power, steel, electronic, biomedicine and equipment manufacturing to participate in the Competition.

CR Cement has always aimed to build a whole-process intelligent lighthouse factory in Fengkai. Based on the industrial internet platform of Runfeng Smart Technology (vertical industry), and relied on the private 5G industrial network and the innovative 5G terminal, new technologies such as artificial intelligent were applied thoroughly to form multiple replicable intelligent scenario of industrial business and innovative applications. These have assisted the Company to achieve quantified achievements and innovative results in terms of corporate safety and low-carbon transformation.

Going forward, CR Cement will continue to promote intelligent construction and digital transformation. The Company will empower production and operation internally and establish industrial ecosystem externally in order to lead the industry to achieve digital and intelligent transformation and development.


Project themed poster


Honoured with National Second Prize in the thematic track of "Smart Industry"

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