
China Resources Cement 2022 Functional Building Materials Reverse Roadshow was successfully concluded
Writing time:2022-09-30

On 29 September, the 2022 Functional Building Materials Reverse Roadshow of CR Cement was successfully concluded. This roadshow had taken the online merge offline approach and attracted 45 analysts from 31 securities and funds companies, which included CICC, Guotai Junan, CLSA, Citi, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, DBS Bank and BOCI. It was the first time for CR Cement to innovate the form of roadshow by live broadcasting the event to individual investors in both Mainland and Hong Kong through the live streaming platform of Futu Securities. 

Accompanied by the management team of the Company, investors first visited the "Runpin Luxury" showroom of CR Cement in Shenzhen to get an in-depth understanding of the development plan of the functional building materials business and conduct in-depth communication and exchanges. Investors later visited Dongguan Universal Classical to experience the large-scale, automatic and green factory of engineered stone of CR Cement. Meanwhile, online investors explored the world of engineered stone through our camera. From production design to the application in the Mixc One, online investors were able to understand the business in an all-round and comprehensive manner. Through this roadshow, investors could deeply feel the confidence of CR Cement in transformation and development, the eagerness to win the competitive position in the market with innovation, as well as the determination and perseverance in sustainable development. 

The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO of CR Cement, Mr. Ji Youhong, stated in the speech that the "Fourteenth Five-Year" strategic plan of CR Cement has clearly specified the new position of "strengthening and expanding the functional building materials business". The Company would create and develop new engine with technology and innovation so as to cultivate new momentum for sustainable growth with utmost effort. He pointed out that CR Cement has achieved great development in business domains such as engineered stone, natural stone and tile adhesive, of which the production capacity of engineered stone has rapidly increased. The Company would continuously take up responsibilities of a central enterprise, help establish an industry ecosystem and promote business layout at different levels in an orderly manner so as to strive to become an integrated provider and an industry leader of building materials products and services for terminal consumption. 

CR Cement's CFO Ms. Tan Ying and the general manager of the functional building materials business division, Ms. Wang Wen jointly participated in the reverse roadshow. 


Chairman Ji Youhong delivered a speech


Group photo of roadshow's participants

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