
CR Cement and Rucheng County Signed an Investment Agreement on Green Building Materials Industrial Park
Writing time:2022-09-06

On 5 September, the signing ceremony of China Resources Rucheng Green Building Materials Industrial Park was successfully held at the cement plant in Dongguan. 

The Vice President of CR Cement, Li Baojun briefly reviewed the background and situation of the cooperation between CR Cement and Chenzhou City in his speech. He expressed his sincere gratitude to the governments of Chenzhou City and Rucheng County for attaching great importance and offering support to the Industrial Park. He mentioned that during the "Fourteenth Five-Year" period, CR Cement would vigorously develop new-type green building materials business, and promote the recycling of mine resources and their comprehensive utilization so as to realize the grand goal of "Building Another China Resources Cement" through a green, environmentally friendly and low-carbon development path. He emphasized that CR Cement would continuously carry forward the spirit of "especially passionate, especially able to innovate, especially fierce, especially able to dedicate" to accelerate the construction of the project, striving to build a green building materials industry demonstration park with a certain scale and influence in Chenzhou City or even in Hunan Province. 

Party Committee Secretary of Rucheng County, Huang Siping said that CR Cement was a renowned building materials enterprise across the country. The agreement of this cooperation intention represented that CR Cement has strongly affirmed the resource advantages of Rucheng County. The Party Committee and the People's Government of Rucheng County would create the best environment and provide the best services with first-class speed, first-class style and first-class quality to ensure the early construction, early production commencement and early results achievement of the project, and further realize mutual benefits of the two parties. 

Chairman of the CPPCC of Chenzhou City, Chen Yuewen mentioned that China Resources Group had invested in numerous industries in Chenzhou. The rich resources and superior business environment of Chenzhou have promoted the good development of various business forms of China Resources Group. The construction of China Resources Rucheng Green Building Materials Industrial Park would become an important momentum for the socio-economic development of Chenzhou City. Government departments at all levels in Chenzhou City and Rucheng County would fully support the early completion of the project with highly-efficient services to transform the resource advantages of Rucheng County into advantages for high-quality development.  

China Resources Rucheng Green Building Materials Industrial Park was planned to construct production lines for fine aggregates and manufactured sand, production lines for stone processing and other projects for comprehensive utilization of supporting mineral products. The project is expected to commence construction in two phases. 

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.


The signing ceremony


The symposium

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