
Director-general of Department of Ecology and Environment of Guangdong Province, Lu Xiulu and his delectation visited Fengkai Cement for Research and Guidance
Writing time:2022-08-29

On the morning of 23 August, the Director-general of Department of Ecology and Environment of Guangdong Province, Mr. Lu Xiulu, and his delegation visited Fengkai Cement for research and guidance. Mr. Qing Bo, the Member of the Standing Committee of Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and the Party Committee Secretary of Fengkai County, Mr. Wang Jun, the Party Secretary and the Director-general of Ecology and Environment Bureau of Zhaoqing Municipal, and Mr. Li Yaxu, the Deputy Secretary of Fengkai County Party Committee and the County Mayor participated in the activities. 

The research team first visited the Intelligent Control Center of Fengkai Cement and listened to the operation situation of the Company's environmental protection facilities in various system, the online monitoring indicators, as well as the situation of energy-saving and emissions reduction after the upgrade of production lines. During the symposium, the General Manager of Fengkai Cement, Mr. Ding Weimin introduced the efforts and achievements of the Company's in terms of environmental protection, energy-saving and carbon reduction and green development. He also raised the needs for assistance regarding the pain points and difficulties faced by the Company. 

Director-general Lu Xiulu fully affirmed the achievements of Fengkai Cement in environmental protection management. He emphasized that the Company should resolutely fight well in the battles for prevention and treatment of pollution and accelerate the progress of the renovation and construction project for ultra-low emissions in 1#-6# kilns so as to balance the needs between environmental protection and production development.

Relevant members from the Division of Solid Wastes and Chemicals, Division of Environmental Impact Assessment and Emission Management of Department of Ecology and Environment of Guangdong Province and Ecology and Environment Bureau of Yunfu Municipal, Yunan Branch jointly participated in the research.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.


Visit to the Intelligent Control Center


Meeting of the two parties

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