
Opening Ceremony of the 7th South China Battalion of China Resources Group's 2022 "Future Star” New Employee Orientation Camp was Successfully Held
Writing time:2022-07-26

On the morning of 25 July, the opening ceremony of the 7th South China Battalion of China Resources Group's 2022 "Future Star" New Employee Orientation Camp was successfully held at the Guangzhou Learning and Development Center. 

During the ceremony, Mr. Zhao Yong, the trainer from CR Learning and Innovation Center introduced campers the Center and the "Future Star" New Employee Orientation Camp of China Resources Group. Mr. Zheng Qinghong, the Vice President, the General Manager of West China region and the battalion commander of the 7th South China Battalion explained in detail the plan for running the battalion and specifically focused on the main running line of "inheriting the red genes, assisting role changes of campers, implementing the three-year plan, and cultivating the 'four special' youth".

Chairman Ji Youhong presented the flag to the 7th Battalion of South China and announced the opening of the camp. Camper representatives led a solemn declaration. Being the new force of the Company, 118 "little stars" formed four companies and appeared on stage one by one. They showed the demeanor of CR Cement's staff with sonorous slogan of "especially passionate, especially able to combat difficulties, especially fierce, especially able to dedicate". Dr. Zhu Qishuai from the Technology Research and Development Centre, Chai Pancun from the Mining Department of Jinsha Cement and Huang Ran, a management trainee had spoken on stage as camper representatives. They respectively shared their experience on finding the conjunction between self-growth and company development under the lead of innovation, the spirit of CR Cement staff's taking root at the frontline, and personal comprehension of being a new employee of the Company. They also mentioned that they would fully absorb the cultural gene of China Resources Group through this valuable learning opportunity, and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to study hard, improve their skills, as well as take over responsibilities such that the "first button" of the workplace had been well buckled and continue to contribute to the Company.

Chairman of Yunnan Cement & Building Materials Group Co., Ltd., Mr. Yang Xiaokun sent encouragement to campers: Be a youth in the new era who could take up responsibilities. Everyone should adapt to the new role and fade away childishness. Everyone should immerse into the culture of China Resources Group to cultivate an upright atmosphere, improve job skills to enhance confidence, cherish development opportunities and develop ambitions, and inherit the culture to burst out vitality. Afterwards, all campers stood up and sang along the theme song of the "Future Star" Camp, "Believe We Will Create Miracles".

Chairman Ji Youhong gave the first lecture with the theme of "Keeping a Rendezvous with China Resources in the Name of Youth". He reviewed the history of struggle of the entrepreneurship of CR Cement from three aspects, "Youth should be impassioned to play the most resounding movement of the triumphal march of the era", "Youth should ride on the momentum and become the most agile 'Kunpeng' when the enterprise taking off" and "Youth should use pen as a mean to strive and draw the most beautiful color of the grand blueprint". He also interpreted the "Fourteenth Five-Year" development strategies in detail and profoundly elaborated on topics such as the historical opportunities of "Reshaping China Resources" and "Building Another China Resources Cement" and how could the youth accurately find opportunities to realize their self-worth so as to jointly boost CR Cement "to become a respected world-class building materials company", further pointing out new directions and inject new connotation to the path of youth. Chairman Ji encouraged all campers not to cling to the tininess at the moment. He quoted that "thousands boxes of grain do not come from one single till, and towering trees do not grow within a short period". It requires long-term unremitting persistence and efforts to achieve great harvest and success. He motivated campers to fully assimilate into China Resources, resonate with the Company and inherit the red genes of a red central enterprise. Campers should be modest while establishing ambitions to maintain endless energy, stay concentrated and resilient to temper a carefree and open-minded attitude and be a moral and self-vigilant person while reflecting yourselves to polish a bright background of life. He emphasized that a promising youth has light in his heart. If we have light in our heart, we can forge ahead! He wished everyone to join hands and keep a rendezvous with China Resources in the name of youth, and fight towards the goal of "Building Another China Resources Cement" such that we could set off again to build a better "Hundred-Year China Resources"!

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.


Opening Ceremony of the Orientation Camp


Presentation by Mr. Zhao Yong


Speech delivered by Vice President Zheng Qinghong


Flag presentation ceremony


Chairman Ji Youhong announced the opening of the camp


Declaration made by all campers


Chairman Yang Xiaokun sent words to campers


Chairman Ji Youhong gave the first lecture of the camp


Group photo

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