
CR Cement and China Metallurgical Geology Bureau Signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement
Writing time:2022-07-25

On 20 July, CR Cement and China Metallurgical Geology Bureau signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Guangdong. Mr. Niu Jianhua, the Party Committee Secretary and the Deputy Director-general of China Metallurgical Geology Bureau (the "Bureau") and Mr. Ji Youhong, the Chairman of the Board of Dircetors and the CEO of CR Cement participated the ceremony and witnessed the signing of the agreement. Mr. Li Wei, the member of the Party Committee and the Deputy Director-general of China Metallurgical Geology Bureau and the Vice President of CR Cement, Mr. Jing Shiqing represented the two parties to sign the agreement respectively. 

Chairman Ji Youhong extended his welcome to Secretary Niu Jianhua and his delegation. He stated that after sufficient communication between the Company and the Bureau, both parties would take Hezhou Xubao project as the starting point of their cooperation. He believed that the two parties would exert each of their professional advantages and explore a new development path with higher quality, better structure and greater efficiency to jointly construct a new benchmark for green and low-carbon building materials. The Chairman stressed that this signing is a big step for both CR Cement and China Metallurgical Geology Bureau, aiming to implement the mission of a central enterprise, thoroughly carry out new development philosophy, and plan for the green building materials industrial chain. The two parties would take this as an opportunity to launch broader and more in-depth cooperation around their respective development strategies, and further realize resources sharing, complementary advantages and win-win cooperation to jointly build a new model of cooperation between central enterprises. 

Secretary Niu Jianhua expressed his gratitude to CR Cement for their trust and support. He emphasized that the signing is a new starting point and a new platform for the two parties to cooperate at a higher level and in a broader domain. He hoped that the two parties would take this as an opportunity to promote the establishment of a long-term and stable strategic partnership, and take this as a bridge to fully leverage their respective advantages in products, resources, technologies and management to achieve mutual support as well as accurate interface. Mr. Niu also stated that the two parties would comprehensively strengthen the pragmatic cooperation in fields such as geological exploration, engineering construction, environmental protection industry and resources sharing so as to exert positive effect for establishing a first-class enterprise for both CR Cement and China Metallurgical Geology Bureau.

China Metallurgical Geology Bureau is affiliated with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. It is a geological exploration entity under the management of the central government, and also a central enterprise of public welfare undertaking responsible for enhancing the resources support capability. The Bureau mainly specializes in geological exploration, research, development and service of super-hard materials and manufacturing of machinery and equipment.

Pleas refer to the Chinese version for more details.


Meeting of the two parties


Signing of agreement

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