
CR Cement and Mashan County Signed an Investment Agreement for Green Building Material Industrial Park
Writing time:2022-07-20

On 18 July, the signing ceremony of the investment agreement for China Resources Mashan Green Circular Building Material Industrial Park was successfully held at the meeting room in Mashan County People's Government of Nanning, Guangxi. Mr. Wei Jia, the Mayor of the Mashan County and Mr. Yang Yanbo, the Deputy General Manager of the Southwest China region of CR Cement, represented their respective party to sign the agreement.

Party Committee Secretary of Mashan County, Mu Xianqing mentioned that CR Cement is actively expanding "Cement+" business and is leading the transformation and upgrade of the building materials industry, which is highly consistent with Mashan County's development needs of green industrialization of the building materials industry. China Resources Mashan Green Circular Building Materials Industrial Park is the first "Double Hundred" project in Mashan County, which will lead the development of Mashan County towards an intensive, high-end and green direction while providing support to the mining and building materials industries of Mashan County to strengthen market leaders in the County, renovate the industrial chain and form a cluster, as well as creating a green industrial chain for deep processing of mineral resources. He emphasized that departments at all levels of the County should fully understand the significance of the project, enhance the awareness of the general situation and meticulously organize and cooperate with the Company to advance the commencement of the project, while coordinating to use well every policy of key counties for national rural revitalization and transforming resources and policies advantages into advantages for enterprise development so as to help CR Cement to further expand its scale, open up the market and enhance its competitiveness. 

Mr. Peng Fanging, the General Manager of the Southwest China region of CR Cement, stated that CR Cement has been accelerating the pace of transformation and development and continuously optimizing the industrial chain layout. Mashan County possesses high-quality mineral resources, location advantages and convenient transportation which could fulfil the strategic development needs of CR Cement. The successful signing of the agreement has marked the first step of the in-depth cooperation between CR Cement and Mashan County. He believed the communication and exchanges between the two parties will be further strengthened to solidly advance different works regarding the project and realize the early implementation of the project such that it can commence construction, come into operation and generate benefits as soon as possible, and co-create a better tomorrow for both Mashan County and CR Cement. 

According to the agreement, the total investment of the China Resources Mashan Green Circular Building Material Industrial Park was approximately RMB630 million. The industrial Park will construct production lines for natural facing stone, together with projects including engineered stone, flux stone, fine aggregates, nano-calcium based raw materials and dock berths. The whole project is expected to be constructed in two phases.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.


The Signing Ceremony 

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