
Party Committee Secretary of Chuzhou City, Xu Jiwei and his delegation visited CR Cement
Writing time:2022-07-08

On the afternoon of 7 July, Party Committee Secretary of Chuzhou City, Mr. Xu Jiwei and his delegation visited the headquarters of CR Cement in Shenzhen. Mr. Ji Youhong, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO of CR Cement presided over the meeting for deeper cooperation between Chuzhou City and CR Cement. They had a thorough communication about the construction and continuous operation of the Mingguang Attapulgite-based New Material Industrial Park Project.

Chairman Ji Youhong warmly welcomed Secretary Xu Jiwei and his delegation, and expressed his gratitude to the concern and support from the Party Committee and the People's Government of Chuzhou City regarding the business development of China Resources Group in Mingguang and introduced CR Cement's "Fourteenth Five-Year" development plan. He said that Anhui Province was an important investment area of China Resources Group. He mentioned that the layout of the Attapulgite-based New Material Industrial Park satisfied the overall planning of Anhui Province and Chuzhou City regarding the attapulgite industry, and matched requirements of the strategic development for transformation and upgrade of CR Cement. The Company would deepen the cooperation with local leading enterprises, increase the investment in research and development, implement the development mode of "Resources + R&D + Industry", adhere to precise development, renovate, consolidate and extend the industrial chain, continue to support value-added products and promote the high quality development of the attapulgite-based new materials industry.

Secretary Xu Jiwei highly appraised the transformation and upgrade, as well as the achievements in intelligentization-oriented development of CR Cement and expressed his sincere gratitude to the long-term support from China Resources Group to the development of Chuzhou City. He explained that attapulgite is a rare non-metallic minerals with special properties, which is also known as the "Industrial MSG". The industrial planning of CR Cement coincides with the development plan for the attapulgite industry of Chuzhou Municipal Government. He hoped that both parties could promote the industrial development through research and development, and drive the industrial upgrade of attapilgite-based new materials through high value-added products so as to jointly build Mingguang attapulgite industry into an industrial benchmark of the country or even around the globe. He hoped that the investment of CR Cement in Mingguang City would bring cooperation opportunities with China Resources Group, such that more subsudaries of China Resources Group would invest in Chuzhou City and to assist the high quality socio-economic development of Chuzhou City.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.


Meeting at the headquarters of CR Cement in Shenzhen


Visiting the BI Screen of CR Cement


Speech delivered by Chairman Ji Youhong


Speech delivered by Secretary Xu Jiwei 

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