
China Resources Cement Successfully Held the First Technology Innovation Forum
Writing time:2022-07-11

On 10 July, the first Technology Innovation Forum, "Technology Innovation Reshapes New Momentum" was held successfully by CR Cement at China Resources Cement Learning and Development Center.

Chairman Ji Youhong expressed his gratitude to Academician Miao Changwen, Liu Jiaping and all the experts and guests for joining the forum. He hoped that the Technology Innovation Forum would bring technology advancement to CR Cement, create the corporate culture of "respecting knowledge and talents", further promote and develop cross-department and cross-discipline exchanges in academic, technology and talents and accelerate the implementation of technology innovation strategies to create a more beneficial environment for seizing new opportunities and welcoming challenges in new forms. He emphasized that the establishment of the Joint Research and Development Center by CR Cement and Southeast University would be beneficial to the integration of the industry resources of CR Cement and the research ability of Southeast University. It would further strengthen the cooperation of the industry, academic and research sector, promote to achieve technology breakthroughs in areas including green and low-carbon building materials, intelligence manufacturing and prefabricated construction and create more technological achievements with independent intellectual property rights.

During the event, Academician Miao Changwen and Liu Jiaping, as well as Chairman Ji Youhong and the General Manager of Technology and Innovation Department of CR Cement Zhong Kehui unveiled the "Southeast University- China Resources Cement Joint Research and Development Centre". Party Committee Secretary of School of Materials Science and Engineering of Southeast University, Yang Shudong congratulated on the unveiling of the "Southeast University - China Resources Cement Joint Research and Development Center", hoping that both parties could further deepen the cooperation in key areas, achieve significant technology breakthroughs and world-leading technology achievements.

At the closing speech, Chairman Ji Youhong said that reports from academicians and experts had further consolidated CR Cement's strategic plans and technology innovation plans for the "Fourteenth Five-Year" period, firmly established the driving mode of "Resources + R&D + Industry", as well as the Company's confidence on being a technological building materials company. He emphasized the needs to be modest while establishing ambitions and to innovate both independently and collaboratively in order to broaden horizons. He also mentioned the needs to focus on "dual carbon" requirements to solve the core and difficult problems of the Company and ensure the healthy and steady development of the building materials business, while subordinating to national strategies and striving to solve key technical problems.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.


Speech delivered by Chairman Ji Youhong


Speech delivered by Secretary Yang Shudong 


The unveiling ceremony of Southeast University-China Resources Cement Joint Research and Development Centre


Academician Miao Changwen's presentation on academic report


Academician Liu Jiaping's presentation on academic report


Group photo of the First Technology Innovation Forum of CR Cement

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