
2022 Runfeng Brand Anniversary Celebration, "Runfeng Sets Sail with Digitalization and Intelligentization", was Successfully Held
Writing time:2022-06-30

On 28 June, the 2022 Runfeng brand anniversary celebration of CR Cement, "Runfeng Sets Sail with Digitalization and Intelligentization, was successfully held in Shenzhen. 

At the event site, the new corporate image film of CR Cement and the mid-term development plan of "Runfeng" brand were released, which fully demonstrated the confidence and determination of CR Cement and "Runfeng" brand to advance together with the future, adhere to high-quality development, and strive to "become a respected world-class building materials company".

Meanwhile, the 2021 Social Responsibility Report of CR Cement was simultaneously released at the site. This is the ninth consecutive year that the Company independently released the social responsibility report. The report has been rated the five-star (excellent) by the Chinese Expert Committee on CSR Report Rating.

At the video closing speech, Chairman Ji Youhong emphasized that the "Fourteenth Five-Year" period was the development period of CR Cement's transformation and innovation, and digitalization and intelligentization, as well as brands were the new engines for innovation and high-quality development. In the future, CR Cement would combine 5G, Internet of things, artificial intelligence and other new technologies to build lighthouse factories in the building materials industry, and form a whole-value chain solution so as to comprehensively achieve industrial integration and win-win results. He stressed that being an important product brand of CR Cement, he hoped that the Runfeng brand could fully integrate the advantages of various businesses, and make use of the joint efforts of brands to provide customers with systematic solutions. CR Cement would also constantly improve product quality and service level and expand and strengthen the brand image of the industrial chain so as to continue to act as an exemplary model and accumulate greater brand value for more business domains of CR Cement. It was hoped that all parties would work together to forge ahead and create a quality future for "Runfeng" such that CR Cement could continuously advance towards the grand goal of "becoming a respected world-class building materials company".

Please refer to the Chinese verison for more details.


The release of the new corporate image film of CR Cement


Vice President Wang Xiaohu and the Head of the Party-Mass Work Department Shi Mingze, unveiled the 2021 Social Responsibility Report of CR Cement 


Deputy Director of Smart & Digitalization Department, Wang Fei shared on the topic of “Digital Transformation Practice of CR Cement”


Deputy Director of Marketing Management Department, Lu Wen shared on the topic of “Achievements on Digital Transformation of Marketing Model”


Closing speech delivered by Chairman Ji Youhong


Group photo of all participants

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