
The Commencement Ceremony of Tongchuan Runxin Aggregates Project with Annual Production Capacity of 5 million tons was Successfully Held
Writing time:2022-06-30

On 28 June, the commencement ceremony of the aggregates project with annual production capacity of 5 million tons of  of CR Cement's Tongchuan Runxin New Material Co., Ltd. was successfully held in Chenlu Town, Yintai District, Tongchuan City.

During his speech, Chairman Ji Youhong expressed his gratitude towards the Party Committee and the People's Government of Tongchuan Municipal and Yintai District for their support and assistance to the Tongchuan aggregates project. He also expressed his sincere thankfulness to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Tongchuan City and Tongchuan Huinengxin Energy Co., Ltd. for their trust and cooperation with the Company, and to the professional support of all cooperative units, as well as the hard work of the Tongchuan project team. He mentioned that CR Cement was committed to becoming a respected world-class building materials company and would strive to achieve the grand goal of "Building Another China Resources Cement" with the development mode of "Resources + R&D + Industry". Tongchuan project is a key project under CR Cement's "Fourteenth Five-Year" strategic plan, aiming to realize its layout in Shaanxi Province, deepen the central-local cooperation and seek high-quality development in response to the Great Western Development Strategy of the Country. He stressed that the Tongchuan project would rely on an abundant of high-quality resources to construct production lines for fine aggregates and high value-added products such as heavy calcium, light calcium and nano calcium. It was hoped that through the efforts and cooperation of all parties, the project would be built into a national first-class green circular economy industrial demonstration project and contribute to the high-quality socio-economic development of Tongchuan City.

During the ceremony, the Mayor of Yintai District, Mr. Ma Haifeng and the Chairman of Sinoma Mining Construction Co., Ltd., Mr. Guo Zhengyong delivered their speech respectively. They extended their congratulations to the smooth commencement of the Tongchuan project. They also wished that the project would be completed as soon as possible so as to promote the high-quality development of the local economy with practical actions. Mr. Liu Zhengwang, the Deputy Mayor of Tongchuan Municipal announced the official commencement of the project. 

The total investment of the Tongchuan Runxin aggregates project was RMB1.8 billion, which was mainly used in building production line (Phase 1) for aggregates with annual production capacity of 5 million tons and its supporting office and living facilities. It is a major project to build high-standard digital green mines and green basic building materials in Yintai District of Tongchuan City to realize the comprehensive development and utilization of local resources.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.


Speech delivered by Deputy Mayor Liu Zhengwang 


Speech delivered by Mayor of Ma Haifeng


Standing Deputy Mayor of Yintai District, Wang Jiuming presided the opening ceremony


Speech delivered by Chairman Ji Youhong


Commencement ceremony 


Project commencement ceremony 

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