
CR Cement Officially Released "Runpin" as the Unified Product Brand for Functional Building Materials
Writing time:2022-06-24

On 23 June, CR Cement held the "Runpin" brand release conference and the "Runpin Luxury" settlement ceremony of its functional building materials division at the China Resources Land Building in Shenzhen, and signed a strategic cooperation deepening agreement with China Resources Land.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of CR Cement, Mr Ji Youhong mentioned at the unveiling ceremony that functional building materials belong to consumer building materials which is a new driving force for the sustainable growth of CR Cement. The main objective of establishing the "Runpinhui" is to provide better experience to our customers so as to become an integrated provider and an industry pioneer of building materials products and services for end-users. 

"Runpin" is a unified product brand for functional building materials products under CR Cement, which is mainly applied in business fields such as engineered stone and tile adhesive. The launch of "Runpin" is one of the important measures of the Company's "Fourteenth Five-Year" period to "strengthen and expand the functional building materials business". CR Cement is keen on building "Runpin" into a well-known brand in the field of functional building materials, and assisting the Company to become a "Respected world-class building materials company" with the two major brands of "Runfeng" and "Runpin".

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.


The unveiling of "Runpin Luxury"


Group photo of the "Runpin" release conference


The signing ceremony


Visit to the exhibition hall of "Runpin Luxury"

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