
Project Commencement of the China Resources Wuhua Circular Economy Industrial Park and Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony was Successfully Held
Writing time:2022-06-24

On 21 June, the commencement ceremony of the China Resources Wuhua Circular Economy Industrial Park was successfully held in Wuhua County, Meizhou City.

Chairman JI Youhong said in his speech that China Resources Cement would actively implement the scientific theory of "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" by President Xi Jinping, fully implement the new development philosophy, vigorously develop the new type green building materials business, strive to build green mines, and implement comprehensive utilization of mine resources to achieve the grand goal of "Building Another China Resources Cement" through a green, environmentally friendly and low-carbon development approach. He emphasized that we should carry forward the“Spirit of dedicated to serve the country, the spirit of innovation to be a pioneer, the spirit of persistence to lead the way, and the spirit of perseverance to become stronger". In accordance with the standards of first-class model project, CR Cement would construct its project into a green circular economy industry demonstration park with a certain scale and influence in Guangdong Province and even the whole country so as to promote the high-quality economic and social development in Meizhou and compose a new and magnificent chapter in the process of revitalizing the development of the Central Soviet Area!

China Resources Cement and Guangdong Huijun Technology Group held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony at the project site. China Resources New Building Materials (Wuhua) Co., Ltd. (a joint venture between China Resources Cement and Guangdong Huijun Technology Group) signed an investment agreement with the People's Government of Wuhua County, and held an opening ceremony of the Company.

The implementation of the China Resources Wuhua Circular Economy Industrial Park can closely combine the strengths of China Resources Cement with the national and local needs, which is an important measure to help CR Cement achieve the strategic development goals of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan. The smooth progress of the project will also make greater contributions to the "steady growth" of China Resources Cement.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.


Chairman Mr. Ji Youhong delivered a speech


Project Commencement of the China Resources Wuhua Circular Economy Industrial Park 


China Resources Cement and Guangdong Huijun Technology Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement


China Resources Cement and Guangdong Huijun Technology Group) signed an investment agreement with the People's Government of Wuhua County


Unveiling ceremony of China Resources New Building Materials (Wuhua) Co., Ltd.

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