
China Resources Cement Won the "2022 Asia (ex-Japan) Executive Team" and Other Awards of Institutional Investor
Writing time:2022-06-24

On 23 June 2022, "Institutional Investor", an international authoritative financial magazine, published the selection results of the "2022 Asia (ex-Japan) Executive Team". China Resources Cement won several awards in the category of basic raw materials of small and midcap in Asia including the "Most Honored Company" in Asia (ranking 3rd), the "Best ESG" (ranking 3rd for overall and 1st from the buy-side). Mr. Ji Youhong, the chairman, the executive director and the CEO of CR Cement, won the "Best CEO" (ranking 2nd for overall and 1st from the buy-side). The investor relations works of China Resources Cement won the "Best IR Program" (ranking 3rd for overall and 1st from the buy-side) and the investor relations team of China Resources Cement won the "Best IR Team" (ranking 3rd for overall and 1st from the buy-side).

It was the ninth consecutive year for CR Cement to acquire the awards, which reflected the encouragement and acknowledgment of the capital market to the works of the Company on operation management, business performance, ESG level, corporate governance and investor relations.

Institutional Investor is one of the most influential financial magazines in the world. It carries out a series of research and selection activities globally every year. Due to its objectivity and professionalism during the research and selection process, it is unanimously recognized by the international financial community and regarded as the reference benchmark for the industry. This year, a total of 1,612 listed companies and 2,606 individuals across 18 sectors participated in the survey, and 4,854 buy-side fund managers and 670 sell-side analysts participated in the survey, representing a record high of the number pf participants with a year-on-year increase of approximately 35%. This year, the institutional investors participated in the survey managed an estimated $2 trillion of equities in Asia (ex-Japan). 

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