
New Technological Innovation Project of CR Cement Won the Guangxi Science and Technology Progress Award and Other Awards
Writing time:2022-06-21

Recently, achievements of CR Cement's technological innovation works have been reported frequently. 

In May 2022, selection results of the 2021 Guangxi Science and Technology Award of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region were announced. Among which, the "Research, Innovation and Application of the New Type High-Efficiency Cement Grinding Aids" project was applied by China Resources Technology Research and Innovation (Guangxi) Co., Ltd. as a lead unit, and the "Key Technology and its Application of the High-Quality Cementitious Materials Made with Industrial Waste" project jointly applied by the Guilin University of Technology, the Wuhan University of Technology and 7 other units won the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award. The Guangxi Science and Technology Award represents the highest honor within the Guangxi's scientific and technological circle. The award aims to reward scientific and technological achievements that have made outstanding contributions to the scientific and technological progress of Guangxi Autonomous Region.

In June 2022, led by China Resources Cement Technology Research and Development (Guangxi) C., Ltd., together with Guangxi China Resources Hongshuihe Cement Co., Ltd. and China Resources Cement (Fuchuan) Limited, jointly declared the project of the "Research, Development and Application of the Environmentally Friendly Admixtures Based on Monoform Center of Gravity Design" won the third prize of the 2021 Award for Technological Invention of the China Concrete & Cement-based Products Association (hereinafter referred as the Association). The aim of setting up this Award is to reward important scientific discoveries and technological invention in the concrete-related field, as well as organizations and individuals that have made great achievements in theoretical research, technological innovation, standard setting, and technological innovation process of related materials and products manufacturing, engineering applications and industrial upgrade. 

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details. 


"Research, Innovation and Application of the New Type High-Efficiency Cement Grinding Aids”won the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award


“Key Technology and its Application of the High-Quality Cementitious Materials Made with Industrial Waste" won the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award


"Research, Development and Application of the Environmentally Friendly Admixtures Based on Monoform Center of Gravity Design" won the third prize of the 2021 Award for Technological Invention of the China Concrete & Cement-based Products Association 

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