
China Resources Cement 2021 Annual General Meeting was Successfully Held
Writing time:2022-06-01

On 27 May, China Resources Cement held its 2021 Annual General Meeting in Shenzhen. Mr. Ji Youhong, the Chairman of the Board, the Executive Director and the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, along with two Non-Executive Directors attended the meeting in Shenzhen, while other Directors attended the meeting online. It was for the first time that the Annual General Meeting was arranged on the e-meeting system for shareholders to watch the meeting online.


During the meeting, shareholders approved the resolutions of the annual financial statement, the report of the directors and the independent auditor's report. They also approved the payment of the final dividend, the re-election of several directors, the re-appointment of Ernst & Young as independent auditor, the amendment of the Articles of Association and other resolutions.


E-meeting System


Shenzhen Venue

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