
China Resources Cement's "Inorganic Engineered Stone" Project Passed the Scientific and Technological Achievement Appraisal
Writing time:2022-04-01

On the morning of 31 March, the scientific and technological achievement appraisal meeting for the project, the "Key Technology and Application for Preparation of High-quality Green Inorganic Engineered Stone", jointly completed by Dongguan Universal Classical Material Ltd., Shenzhen Runfeng New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. and China Resources Cement Technology R&D Co., Ltd. under China Resources Cement was held in Dongguan. According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the experts participated in the meeting through cloud video.

The accreditation committee was organized by the China Building Materials Federation. It is composed by nine experts from Jinan University, Shandong University, Chongqing University, Southwest University of Science and Technology, China Building Materials Academy, Suzhou Concrete And Cement Products Research Institute, China Stone Material Association, National Stone Standardization Technical Committee and Beijing Zhuoyi Building Decoration Design Co., Ltd. They highly appraised the scientific and technological achievements of the project, and unanimously believed that the overall technology of the project has reached the international advanced level and achieved significant economic and social benefits.

Experts at the meeting said that the project has the key production technology of products with high strength, low water absorption and low linear thermal expansion coefficient, and has developed inorganic engineered stone slabs with stain resistance, ultraviolet resistance, high hydrophobic and other different characteristics, which is the first to realize green and intelligent production of the whole process of inorganic engineered stone in China. The product has been successfully applied in a number of key projects such as Xi'an "Three Centers" and Shenzhen Metro Station. The achievements of the project have a positive effect on promoting the improvement of inorganic engineered stone products in China, promoting intelligent and green production, and is of great significance for promoting the technological progress of the industry.

Until now, the project has been awarded with 8 invention patents, 4 utility model patents, and 2 editors' group standards. The annual production line of Dongguan Universal Classical Material Ltd. has been commercialized.

In the future, China Resources Cement will continue to follow the guidance of "scientific and technological innovation to shape new momentum", continue to strengthen scientific and technological innovation during the "14th Five Year" period, increase R&D investments, accelerate the pace of transformation and innovation, inject lasting impetus into the high-quality development of enterprises, and promote the green and sustainable development of the industry with practical actions.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details

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