
China Resources Cement Supports the Anti-epidemic Work in Shenzhen and Hong Kong
Writing time:2022-03-23

Recently, the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic situation has become serious, which has had a serious impact on both Shenzhen and Hong Kong. In response to the two local governments' calls and to fully implement the social responsibility of state-owned enterprises, China Resources Cement launched a number of public welfare measures and joined hands to fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.

In Shenzhen: On March 21, a batch of anti-epidemic materials donated by the Shenzhen headquarters of CR Cement to Shenzhen Luohu District People's Government has successfully arrived at Nanhu and Dongmen Road of Luohu District to alleviate the shortage of anti-epidemic materials in Luohu District. This batch of materials included 2,000 protective clothing, 2,000 isolation gowns, 2,000 N95 medical masks, and 2,000 protective masks, amounting to a total value of nearly RMB 130,000. In mid-March, the youth from Shenzhen headquarters actively responded to the call of Luohu District Government to join the volunteer team and combat the epidemic on the frontline. They assisted in household verification, nucleic acid testing, information collection and entry, and other related work to fully support community epidemic prevention and control.

In Hong Kong: In mid-March, China Resources Cement donated more than HKD77,000 worth of anti-epidemic materials to the Butterflyers Association (a non-profit organization), which was established by Dr Hon Junius Kwan-yiu Ho JP to provide emergency material assistance to Hong Kong citizens in quarantine who are experiencing shortage in household goods. The anti-epidemic materials included 2,000 COVID-19 rapid antigen tests, 1,008 cans of luncheon meat and 2,070 packs of instant noodles. On February 16, CR Cement donated HKD40,000 worth of Internet data cards to students in need who could not afford to pay for Internet access to participate in their daily studies from Hong Kong's Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School.

In the future, China Resources Cement will continue to pay attention to the epidemic situation and do a good job on normalized epidemic prevention and control while contributing to the community's anti-epidemic work.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details


Donation to Shenzhen Luohu Distrcit People's Government


Donation to Shenzhen Luohu Distrcit People's Government


Donation to the Butterflyers Association


Donation to the Hong Kong's Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School


CR Cement Volunteer Team

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