
China Resources Cement Continues to Support the Anti-epidemic Work in Hong Kong
Writing time:2022-03-15

Recently, the COVID-19 epidemic in Hong Kong has continued to rage. In the face of the extremely severe anti-epidemic situation, in March 2022, China Resources Cement donated more than HKD77,000 of materials to the Butterflyers Association (a non-profit organization) to help Hong Kong resist the impact of the epidemic and give full play to the responsibilities as a state-owned enterprises. The anti-epidemic materials included 2,000 COVID-19 rapid antigen tests, 1,008 cans of luncheon meat and 2,070 packs of instant noodles.

The Butterflyers Association was established by Dr Hon Junius Kwan-yiu Ho JP, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council. The Association recently launched a community anti-epidemic emergency assistance plan, hoping to unite forces from of all sectors of the society to provide emergency material assistance to Hong Kong citizens who are in short supply of living materials due to quarantine.

Having been concerned about Hong Kong citizens since the outbreak of the fifth wave of the epidemic, China Resources Cement actively responded and acted quickly to support Hong Kong's epidemic prevention work with acts of love and charity. After learning that many children from poor families could not afford the expensive Internet access fees from the launch of daily online teaching, CR Cement took the initiative to contact Hong Kong's Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School. On February 16, 2022, HKD40,000 worth of Internet data cards were donated to the school to help the students in need to tide over the temporary difficulties.

China Resources Cement will pay close attention to the situation of the epidemic in Hong Kong, strictly implement the company's anti-epidemic measures, and fully respond to the anti-epidemic measures of the Hong Kong government.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details


CR Cement donated anti-epidemic materials to Hong Kong Butterflyers Association


Photo of CR Cement Union and Dr. Lau, Principal of Hong Kong's Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School

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