
CR Cement Actively Participated in the Construction of Mobile Cabin Hospitals in Hong Kong, Fulfilling Our Mission and Responsibility as a State-Owned Enterprise
Writing time:2022-02-25

On February 24, at the construction site of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Mobile Cabin Hospital, the yellow mixer trucks of Redland Concrete Limited, a subsidiary enterprise of CR Cement in Hong Kong, were particular eye-catching. This special supply embodied the effort and hard work of the staff of Redland Concrete. It took only 3 days from confirming the supply to completing the delivery!

Recently, the epidemic situation in Hong Kong has become more serious, with a shortage of medical resources and increasing number of diagnosed patients waiting for hospitalization. At the call of the central and local governments, batches of experts, equipment and materials arrived in Hong Kong to comprehensively provide support to Hong Kong’s work against the epidemic. Meanwhile, the Hong Kong government actively took measures to establish temporary infrastructure (mobile cabin hospitals) for quarantine and treatment. It was estimated that the project could provide 10,000 units for quarantine and treatment after completing the construction.

On February 21, after learning that China State Construction, as the builder of mobile cabin hospitals, was looking for concrete suppliers, Redland Concrete quickly responded and immediately organized a team to discuss the supply guarantee plan to quickly resolve difficult problems such as the personnel arrangements, the supply of raw materials, the delivery of the goods, and the support of night shifts. Redland Concrete proactively expressed to China State Construction the strong desire to join the team supplying concrete for mobile cabin hospitals. In the afternoon of February 24, the Company’s first truck of concrete successfully arrived at the construction site of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal.

From February 24 to the end of March, it will be a critical period to construct the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Mobile Cabin Hospital. The staff of Redland Concrete will fully leverage on the persistent spirit of dedication, contribution and perseverance of those at China Resources Cement, to comprehensively guarantee the supply of concrete for mobile cabin hospitals and make contributions as a state-owned enterprise.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details


Construction site of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Mobile Cabin Hospital

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