
Mr. Ji Youhong, CEO of CR Cement, and his delegation Visited the China Building Materials Federation
Writing time:2022-02-18 Source:China Building Materials Federation

On February 14, Mr. Ji Youhong, CEO of CR Cement, and his delegation visited the China Building Materials Federation. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on energy saving and emission reduction in the industry, technological innovation, intelligent manufacturing, green and low-carbon development, etc., and in-depth communication on the next-steps of cooperation between the two parties.

Yan Xiaofeng, the President of the China Building Materials Federation, expressed recognition for the achievements of CR Cement's continuous increase in research and development investment. He pointed out that the series of work that CR Cement launched was consistent with the direction and requirements of national development, which represented the responsibility and commitment of a state-owned enterprise. He hoped CR Cement to achieve greater results in new-type low-carbon cementitious materials research, intelligent manufacturing, construction of "six zeros" demonstration factory, and transformation in energy saving and consumption reduction to create industry benchmarks. He expressed that the China Building Materials Federation will constantly provide support to CR Cement, and strengthen the communication and cooperation in recommendations in key research projects reserve, the building materials industry "Unveiling Leadership" projects, the appraisal and awards of technological results, and the construction of standardized systems.

Based on the targets of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", and from the three perspectives of "carbon dioxide reduction, carbon dioxide capture, and carbon dioxide fixation", Mr. Ji Youhong, CEO of CR Cement, introduced the work that was launched for the research and development of new-type cementitious materials, the energy saving and low-carbon upgrade of equipment, intelligent manufacturing, the application of new energy resources, and carbon capture as well as the  future development direction and targets. He expressed that CR Cement hoped to constantly strengthen the communication and cooperation with the Building Materials Federation to faster achieve the green and low-carbon transformation of the Company, and jointly contribute to the safe and high-quality development of the building materials industry.

Please refer to the Chinese version of the website for more information.


Discussion between the two parties

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