
CR Cement Fully Supports Hong Kong in Fighting the Epidemic
Writing time:2022-02-17

Recently, President Xi Jinping made important instructions on supporting Hong Kong’s fight against the fifth wave of the epidemic, and entrusted the Vice-Premier Han Zheng of the State Council to convey his concern for the epidemic and his solicitude for Hong Kong citizens to Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR.

President Xi Jinping emphasized that the Hong Kong SAR government should earnestly undertake the main responsibility, take the expeditious control and stabilization of the pandemic as the current “overriding task”, mobilize all forces and resources available and take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and health of Hong Kong citizens and guarantee the overall stability of the Hong Kong society. 

As a subsidiary of China Resources Group, China Resources Cement, a state-owned enterprise listed in Hong Kong, will resolutely implement the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s important instructions to safeguard the normal operations and market supply of the Company’s affiliates in Hong Kong and fully support the prevention and control of the epidemic in Hong Kong. 

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details

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