
Mr. Ji Youhong, CEO of CR Cement, and his delegation Visited the China Cement Association
Writing time:2022-02-15 Source:Digital Cement

A fall of seasonable snow gives promise of a fruitful year. On February 14, with the first snow of the Year of the Tiger, Mr. Ji Youhong, the Chief Executive Officer of CR Cement, and his delegation visited the China Cement Association. The two sides discussed and exchanged ideas on the industry development in 2021 and the development and direction, as well as the key and difficult issues of the industry in 2022.

Mr. Kong Xiangzhong, the Executive President of the China Cement Association extended his warm welcome to Mr. Ji Youhong and his delegation, and expressed his gratitude towards CR Cement for the support to the work of the Association over the years. He mentioned that under the influence of the economic situation in 2021, the cement industry faced huge challenges. Under the leadership of Mr. Gao Dengbang, the President of the Association, the China Cement Association adhered to doing a good job in the “Four Services”. The cement industry achieved a revenue of RMB1,075.4 billion, representing a year-on-year increase 7.3%, and a total profit of RMB169.4 billion, which overall achieved the goal of stable growth in cement industry. Meanwhile, he pointed out that the Chinese cement industry will face more challenges in 2022. “Proceed with confidence, set sail with stability” is the main tone of the industry’s work this year. Under strong support and assistance of large enterprises, the key tasks will be launched around four aspects. The first is to ensure the steady growth of the profitability of the industry. In 2022, the industry will face severe problems such as declining demand, rising costs and aggravated overcapacity. In light of the situation, the Cement Association will continue to implement off-peak production, solve cross-regional supply shocks and fully leverage the local associations and large enterprises so as to ensure the synchronized growth of the industry profitability and national economy. Secondly, with promoting supply-side structural reform of the cement industry as the main target, the Association will promote market integration, enhance the industry concentration, guide the withdrawal of excess and inefficient capacity, and strengthen the support to industrial policies. Thirdly, the Association will emphasize the technological innovation, especially the cooperation of innovation among large enterprises, improve the core competitiveness of the cement industry, cultivate and develop new types of operation and models and realize reduction in emissions and increase in efficiency through the improvement in energy efficiency and reduction in carbon emissions under the “dual carbon” target. Fourthly, the Association aims to strengthen the organization and construction of local industry associations, as well as improve and refine the working system of local associations to improve service capabilities. 

On behalf of CR Cement, Mr. Ji Youhong, CEO, expressed his thankfulness to the China Cement Association for the guidance and assistance to the company and the industry in the past years. He pointed out that under the situation of “dual control of energy consumption” last year, with the efforts of the Association and other parties, the sales revenue and the profitability of CR Cement in 2021 exceeded expectations. The key tasks for CR Cement in 2022 mainly include two aspects: off-peak production, as well as innovation research and development. The Company will strictly execute local policies and implement off-peak production to ensure the number of days of production suspension and continue to strengthen management capabilities, increase investment in research and development, as well as capture the direction for research and development with energy saving and emission reduction, carbon reduction, carbon capture, carbon fixation  and development in digitalization and intelligentization. At the same time, Mr. Ji mentioned that 2022 is the critical year of the “Fourteenth Five-Year” period. CR Cement will fully support and cooperate with the works of the Association, conscientiously implement the requirements and initiatives of the Association, fully leverage our exemplary and leading role as a large enterprise, and shoulder the responsibility of leading the industry.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details


Discussion between the two parties


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