
The Launch Ceremony of Runpin's New Tile Adhesive Products and Customer Exchange Meeting Was Successfully Held
Writing time:2022-01-13

On January 5, the launch ceremony of Runpin’s new tile adhesive products and customer exchange meeting was successfully held at China Resources Cement (Fengkai) Co., Ltd. Mr. Zhang Caihua, the General Secretary of the China Ceramic Industry Association Technical Committee For Tiling, and Mr. Sun Weixing, the General Secretary of the China Stone Material Association, along with the CEO of China Resources Cement, Mr. Ji Youhong, and Vice Presidents of CRC, Mr. Li Baojun and Mr. Li Wei, attended the event. 

Mr. Zhang Caihua first congratulated Runpin’s successful product launch of tile adhesives. He introduced in detail the recently promulgated favorable policies for tile adhesives by relevant government departments and the development trend of the industry. He believed the launch was at the right time, and the company can seize the opportunity and make great achievements. 

Mr. Sun Weixing expressed his recognition and support for the continuous focus on independent product development and production of the company, and spoke highly of the quality of Runpin’s tile adhesives from the perspective of stone paving. He expressed hope that the company will make greater contributions in promoting green construction, implementing green design and construction, and advancing the application of green materials. 

Mr. Ji Youhong mentioned in his speech that the successful launch of Runpin’s tile adhesives marks the start of a new journey for the business transformation of China Resources Cement. China Resources Cement will build the core competitiveness of the company and contribute to the sustainable and healthy development of the industry by promoting development, focusing on innovation, and constructing systems. He also hoped that the participating customers and partners would recognize the cultural concept of China Resources Group, jointly create a healthy and mutually beneficial ecosystem, and promote the sustainable and high-quality development of the industry. 

During the meeting, representatives of distributors signed the "2022 Runpin Tile Adhesives Selling Task Commitment". The participants listened attentively to the introduction of Runpin's tile adhesives business, and visited areas such as the production line, the laboratory and the central control room. 

Around 40 participants attended the event, including representatives of distributors, the Deputy General Manager of the Engineering Management Department of China Resources Land, Mr. Yan Boyi, the Chairman of Yingtong Paper, Mr. Zheng Ruihong, the General Manager of South China Region of China Resources Cement, Mr. Cheng Shi, and the General Manager of Functional Building Materials Division, Ms. Wang Wen, as well as representatives from the Marketing Management Department, Technology Innovation Department and each operating region.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.


Launch Ceremony


CEO Ji Youhong's Speech


Group Photo

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