
Mr. LI Fuli Visited the Plant for Prefabricated Construction in Guigang City to Launch Primary-Level Researches
Writing time:2021-09-13

On 10 September, the Vice General Manager of China Resources Holdings and the Chairman of China Resources Cement, namely, Mr. LI Fuli, visited the plant for prefabricated construction in Guigang City to launch primary-level researches, with the company of the Chief Executive Officer of China Resources Cement, namely, Mr. Ji Youhong, the former Vice President of China Resources Cement, namely, Mr. LIU Guixin, and the Regional General Manager of Guangxi, namely, Mr. Peng Fangqing.


Chairman Li Fuli visited the Exhibition Hall of Prefabricated Construction, the Park of of Prefabricated Construction, PC Production Workshop, the Central Control Room, PC Batching Plants and Laboratory Test Center in Guigang City. Subsequently, he discussed and communicated with the management team of Prefabricated Construction, Cement and Concrete in Guigang City, listened to the working reports for the prefabricated construction business, and acquired the detailed information for Party development and discipline inspection, EHS management, project construction, production and operation, market expansion and the production operation and development situation of cement and concrete in Guigang City.


For more details, please refer to the Chinese version.


Visited the prefabricated construction exhibition hall


Visited the prefabricated construction park


Visited PC production workshop


Symposium venue


Group photo

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