
China Resources Cement Holdings Limited and Baowu Group Environmental Resources Technology Co., Ltd. entered the Strategic Cooperation Structure Agreements
Writing time:2021-07-29

On July 28 afternoon, China Resources Cement Holdings Limited and Baowu Group Environmental Resources Technology Co., Ltd. (Baowu Environmental Resources Technology) launched the entering ceremony for the Strategic Cooperation Structure Agreements and the Cooperation Agreements of Slag and Ash Business in Baoshan City, Shanghai. The Chief Executive Officer of China Resources Cement, namely, Mr. Ji Youhong, and the Secretary of the Party Committee and the Chairman of Baowu Environmental Resources Technology, namely, Mr. Chen Zaigen, attended the entering ceremony.

This entering ceremony was the significant measurement to promote the joint cooperation among state-owned enterprises and consolidate the strategic position of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area at the opening year of the "Fourteenth Five-Year". The counterparties would carry out multiple cooperation among the comprehensive utilization of solid waste resources, the expansion of application methods for metallurgical slags recycling, and etc. to fully leverage on the advantages of resources, technology, logistics, and marketing in the upstream and downstream enterprises along the industry chain, and launch the comprehensive strategic cooperation surrounding the business of mineral powder, steel slag, desulfurization slag, solid hazardous waste processing, and etc. Meanwhile, the counterparties would leverage on the respective advantages, and mutually promote the implementation of business related to co-processing solid waste and hazardous waste in Dianchi.

The General Manager and the Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of Baowu Environmental Resources Technology, namely, Mr. Zhu Jianchun, the Deputy General Manager, namely, Mr. Xun Shibao and Mr. Zhang Bo, the Vice President and the Regional General Manager (Yunnan) of China Resources Cement, Mr. Zheng Qinghong, the General Manager of the International Department and the Deputy General Manager of the Strategic Development Department, namely, Mr. Hu Song, the Deputy General Manager (Guangdong) and the General Manager of New Business, namely, Mr. Cheng Shi, and the General Manager of China Resources Cement (Dopngguan) Limited, namely, Zeng Weitao, attended the entering ceremony.

Meeting between the two parties

Signing by representatives of the two parties

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