
The Opening Ceremony of Shenzhen Runfeng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. was Successfully Held
Writing time:2021-07-05

On July 5 morning, the opening ceremony of Shenzhen Runfeng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. was grandly held at 28/F, Tower A, Kingkey 100 Building, Shenzhen. The executive deputy general manager of Intelligence and Information Technology Department of CR Holdings, Mr. Dong Kunlei, the Assistant General Manager, Mr. Zhang Xiaoyi, The Deputy General Manager of Runlian Smart Technology Co., Ltd., Mr. Zhang Yinghua, the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, Mr. Ji Youhong, the Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Mr. Huang Ting, the Vice President, Mr. Jing Shiqing, and etc. attended this opening ceremony.

Shenzhen Runfeng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. was a subsidiary of China Resources Cement Holdings Limited, in reliance on the Company's industrial advantages and business scene, on the internal side, Runfeng contributes the Company to achieving the goal of digital transformation and improving the influence on the industry; On the external side, through outputting the products and plans, Runfeng cultivates the digital and intelligent industry, creates the new growth points of value, promotes the integration of intelligence and information technology, and formulates the industrial innovative union.

For more details, please refer to the Chinese version.

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