
2021 Runfeng Fifth Brand Anniversary Activity was Successfully Held with the Theme of “Restart for Setting Sail on a Voyage”
Writing time:2021-07-02

On June 28, the Company held 2021 Runfeng fifth Brand Anniversary activity with the theme of "Restart for Setting Sail on a Voyage".

2021 is the opening year of the "Fourteenth Five-Year" Plan, as well as the fifth listed anniversary of Runfeng brand. On this new start, Runfeng Brand issued the brand new promotional video to comprehensively and multi-dimensionally perform the Runfeng Brand's concept of providing high-quality products and services, as well as indicate that Runfeng Brand has stepped into new development stage from "Building the Brand" in the "Thirteenth Five-Year" Period to "Enhancing the Brand".

For more details, please refer to the Chinese version.


CEO Ji Youhong delivered a speech on the announcement of the“China Resources Cement 2020 Social Responsibility Report”



Chairman Li Fuli and CEO Ji Youhong unveiled the the "China Resources Cement 2020 Social Responsibility Report"



"New Generation" customer representative sharing



Chairman Li Fuli delivered a speech at the closing ceremony of the anniversary activity

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