
China Resources Cement Holdings Limited Social Responsibility Report 2020 was Awarded a Five-Star Rating
Writing time:2021-07-02

On June 28, the Company held the announcement of “Social Responsibility Report 2020”. The Vice General Manager and Chief Financial Officer of CR Holdings, and the Chairman of the Board of the Company, Mr. Li Fuli, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, Mr. Ji Youhong, unveiled the report. This report was the eighth Social Responsibility Report that was constantly and publicly issued to the whole society by the Company. Rated comprehensively by the Chinese Expert Committee on CSR Report Rating from seven dimension of the process, substantiveness, completeness, balance, comparability, readability, and innovation, the Company was awarded a five-star rating with excellent review again.


For more details, please refer to the Chinese version.



The venue of the announcement of 2020 Social Responsibility Report



The vice editor of Social Responsibility Report Preparation Committee, Mr. Fu Li, introduced the report preparation and practice of responsibility fulfillment



Chairman Li Fuli and CEO Ji Youhong unveiled the report



CEO Ji Youhong spoke at the report announcement ceremony


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