
China Resources Cement Holdings Limited and Guizhou Province Changshun County Government entered into agreement for green recycle building materials industrial park project
Writing time:2021-06-30

On June 30 morning, the agreement signing ceremony of China Resources Changshun green recycle building materials industrial park project was grandly held in Changshun County, Guizhou Province.


The project is located in Guangshun Town, Changshun County, next to Guian District and Guiyang City. The project is divided into two phases to construct, Phase 1 is invested by 450 million yuan, and is mainly planned to be carried out for the integrative business of aggregates and concretes. The government will will allocate 300 million tons aggregates resources, and plan to commence in 2022 and commence operation in 2023. After the construction of the project, it is estimated that the annual production of elite aggregates was 5 million tons and commodity concrete was 1 million m3. Phase 2 will intend to develop the business of tile glue, dry-mixed mortar, heat preservation materials, fire-resistance materials, aggregates recycled from construction wastes, prefabricated constructions, and etc.


Changshun project is the first project of China Resources Cement Guizhou Region during the opening period of "Fourteenth Five-Year" Plan. The successful agreement of the project will contribute Guizhou Region to realizing the strategic goal of "Double 10 million".


For more details, please refer to the Chinese version.

Signing ceremony

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