
China Resources Cement won awards such as "Asia's Best Executive Team in 2021" by "Institutional Investor" magazine
Writing time:2021-06-28

On June 28, "2021 All- Asia Executive Team" organized by international authoritative financial magazine "Institutional Investor" announced the rating results. On the category of Basic Material, CR Cement was again rated as one of "The Most Respected Enterprises in Asia".

Meanwhile, CEO Ji Youhong of CR Cement acquired Best Chief Executive Officer (ranking 3rd) rated by the investment banks. CR Cement acquired Best Investor Relations Team (ranking 1st) and Best Investor Relations Officer (ranking 2nd) rated by investment banks and institutional investors. It was the 8th continuous year for CR Cement to acquire the awards, which reflected the encouragement and acknowledgment of the capital market to the Company's operation management, business performance, corporate governance, investor relations, and etc.

"Institutional Investor" Magazine rated for the listed companies from 18 industries from 9 core standardized rankings, including if it was easy to get access to the senior management staff, the comprehensiveness of acquiring the information for the investor relations team, the efficiency of the investor relations team, the quality of the financial information disclosure, corporate governance, social responsibility report, and etc. And the rating standard had been continuously increasing. This year, there were 3,503 fund managers in total to participate in the investigation, which increased over 75%. And there were 581 analysts in sell side to participate in the investigation, which was similar with the number of last year. "Institutional Investor" is a magazine which sets the headquarters in New York, U.S.A., lasting over fifty years. It is one of the most influential financial magazines all over the world, which provides various industrial research reports and new analysis for the financial institutions on Wall Street and worldwide. This magazine carried out a series of researches and rating activities facing to the global in each year. And due to the objectiveness and proficiency of the research and rating process, the magazine acquired the consistent acknowledgment of the international financial industry and was placed as the reference standard for the industry.

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