
The Company Won the Bid for the Mining Rights of the Aggregates Quarry by RMB1.265 billion
Writing time:2020-11-11

On 11 November 2020, on the transferring quotation and public bid of the quarry mining rights organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Anding City, after almost 200 rounds fierce bidding, the Company ultimately won the bid for the mining rights of a granite quarry for construction in Jiudingling Mining Concession, Longhe Town, Dingan County, by RMB 1.265 billion, which represented the first large aggregates project of the Company to be launched in Hainan Region.

The bid for the mining rights of a granite quarry for construction in Jiudingling Mining Concession, Longhe Town, Dingan County, was 0.66 km2 of transferring mining concession in area, 24.8202 million m3 of mining resources in total, 3 million tons/year of designing production scale, and 20 years of mining rights grant duration.

Based on the strategic development plan of the Company, Hainan Region actively promotes the business of aggregates and co-processing, focuses on creating the three core strengths of the "lowest total costs, leading market position in the region, innovation-driven development", and advances the high-quality development. The successful bid for the mining rights will lend fresh impetus to the new businesses development of Hainan Region and contribute to the development of the Company's new businesses.

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