
The First Brand Image Flagship Store of Runfeng Cement was Officially Launched
Writing time:2020-06-29

On June 24,the first brand image flagship store of Runfeng Cement was officially launched in Yunnan Lijiang.

As the first brand image flagship store of Runfeng Cement, Lijiang Xinde Building Materials Co., Ltd., was the result of "Franchise Stores Plan" for the Company. Combining the Company's future strategic plan, brand image flagship store plan aimed at creating the brand communication group with "High-quality Dealers" as the core to establish the brand channel ladders of Runfeng Cement, utilized the influence of flagship and dealers to expand the brand penetration on end-users, promote the sales of the products, improve the premium ability of the brand, and further expand the market share of Runfeng Cement. Whilst the brand image flagship store will also combine the core dealers and resources of the core regions to improve the market competitive ability on brand, capital, logistics, service, and etc., and form the regional benchmarking example store with superior locations, well-equipped functions, considerate services, and strong comprehensive strength.

For more details, please refer to the Chinese version.

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