
Wang Xiangming, the General Manager of CR Group, Researched the Situation on the Resumption of Operation and Production of CR Cement
Writing time:2020-04-02

On March 31, Wang Xiangming, the General Manager of CR Group, Pan Fu, the Director, and Wang Chuandong, the Deputy General Manager, visited the Head Office of CR Cement in Shenzhen to research for the situation about the epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of operation and production. Hu Min, the General Manager of Environmental Health and Safety Department of CR Group, and Ji Youhong, the CEO of CR Cement, accompanied the research.

Ji Youhong, the CEO of CR Cement, comprehensively reported the work on the epidemic prevention and control, the resumption of operation and production, EHS, and etc., and the management and business situation on operational business performance, international business, digital transformation and etc.

For more details, please refer to the Chinese version.


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