
Baise Environmental Engineering and Fengkai Cement was Awarded in the Micro-video Collection and Selection Activity of Construction Projects Documents
Writing time:2019-12-27

In order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China, promote China's achievement on economic construction from the perspective of the documents, strengthen the business communication on the document work of construction projects, and tell the story of construction projects from the documents well, CR Group organized each business unit to participate in the Micro-video Collection and Selection Activity held by National Archives Administration of China and National Development and Reform Commission. Among 526 participating micro-videos across the country, 11 prizes were awarded by CR Group and its business units, among which "Achieving the Dream by Construction - the record of construction project documents work of China Resources Environmental Engineering (Baise) Limited" of CR Cement was awarded the Excellent Prize, "Witness the ancient dragon - the record of the belt corridor construction project documents work of China Resources Cement (Fengkai) Limited" won the Memorial Award.

For more details, please refer to the Chinese version.

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