
CR Cement Constructed Green Mines and Promoted the Ecological Civilization Construction of Guangxi
Writing time:2019-11-18

Persistently with the main focus on the ecology, environmental protection, safety, and resources collection and saving, CR Cement attached great importance to the construction of green mines, confirmed the reasonable mining, resources conservation and promotion of harmonious development between human beings and nature. With the work approach of ecologically and environmentally friendly mining enterprise, restoration of mines is included in the production, operation and long-term development plans.


Guangxi continuously promoted the transformation of the utilization method on the mining resources, and reversely forced the transformation of the method on the economic development. Through promoting the technological innovation, regulating the enterprise management, implementing the energy saving and emission reduction, and promoting the clean production, Guangxi established the green mines, promoted the construction of ecological civilization, and explored a new path of high-quality by giving priority to ecology and being oriented by green development.


At the Limestone Quarry Mining Concession for cement use of China Resources Cement (Guigang) Limited in Dingxiangshan, A fully enclosed conveyer belt with 8.2 km length directly delivered the excavated mines to the concessions, which significantly decreased the dust and noise during the delivery. In order to decrease the latent hazards of geographical disasters that may be caused by mining excavation, the mining concessions also introduce the pre-splitting blasting technology.


Dingxiangshan Mining Concession formulated the tailored construction plan of green mine, and made the restored treatment on the ecological environment of the mining steps to realize the regreening of the entire process of the mining. Currently, the treatment area of the side slopes of this mining concession reached 10 thousand m2, and the percent of the regreened area covered 85%, which made the past bare mines regreen like wearing a "green clothes". This mining concession were reviewed as the municipal-level green mine.


For more details, please refer to the Chinese version.

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