
CR Cement Successfully held Reverse Roadshow 2019
Writing time:2019-11-06

On November 6-8, CR Cement Reverse Roadshow 2019 was successfully held in Nanning of Guangxi, Tianyang Cement and China Resources Hope Town in Baise. The capital market proactively responded to this reverse roadshow, which enabled 30 analysts from investment banks and banking representatives to participate this activity. Ji Youhong, CEO of CR Cement, LIU Guixin, Vice President and General Manager of Guangxi Region and Guizhou Region, LIU Guixin, Chief Representative of Guangxi Region of CR Group, Peng Fangqing, General Manager of Investor Relations Department, Elaine LAM, and other leaders represented Cement Holdings to participate in this activity.


On November 7, CEO Ji Youhong and the leaders held the forum with the investors in China Resources Building in Nanning of Guangxi, engaged intensive communication on cement market conditions, industrial trend, industrial chain extension of the Company, and etc. to motivate the confidence of the capital market. During the reverse roadshow, the investors visited the project of municipal solid waste co-processed at Tianyang Cement in Baise of Guangxi, aggregates production line, and Baise Concrete to understand the Company's technology on co-processing by use of cement kilns, and the integrative operation format of cement, concrete and aggregates. Last but not least, the investors went to China Resources Hope Town in Baise to visit the Hope Primary School to donate the gifts and experience the social responsibility practice of CR Cement as a national enterprise.

Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, HSBC, UBS, Macquarie, CICC, Fullgoal Fund, ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, and other domestic and international investment banks, security companies and banking representatives attended this activity. The related leaders of Guangxi Region, Tianyang Cement, and Baise Concrete accompanied to participate this activity.


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