
CR Cement Hosts CSI Special Event on Co-Processing by Use of Cement Kilns
Writing time:2018-09-28

In order to strengthen the communication and exchange of co-processing technology by use of cement kilns, promote the transformation and upgrade of the industry and contribute to promoting ecological progress and environmental protection, the Cement Sustainability Initiative ("CSI") and China Resources Cement Holdings Limited ("CR Cement") hosted the CSI Special Event on Co-Processing by Use of Cement Kilns on September 20, 2018 at China Resources Cement (Tianyang) Limited. Participants included the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI), the LafargeHolcim Group, the Thailand Siam Cement Group, HeidelbergCement, CRH Oldcastle, Tianrui Cement, Digital Cement etc.

Co-processing by use of cement kilns was the main topic of the event. Participants visited the Municipal Waste Co-processing project at China Resources Environmental Protection Engineering (Baise) Limited. The project relies on the cement production line of China Resources Cement (Tianyang) Limited with daily processing capacity of 500 tons of municipal waste.

At the forum of co-processing by use of cement kilns held in the afternoon, representatives from the participating companies shared information on the stage of development and demonstrated their respective strengths and experience in the field.

As a key strategic business unit of the large-scale state-owned enterprise China Resources Group, CR Cement actively fulfills its corporate social responsibility, adheres to the innovative development of environmental protection, transformation and upgrading. It continuously promotes the harmonious development of enterprise, society and environment, leads industry development and supports the building of a beautiful China.

Event Participants Visit Leachate Treatment Workshop

Forum of Co-processing by Use of Cement Kilns

Group Photograph of Event Participants

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