
CR Cement (Jinsha) and CR Cement (Luoding) were Honored the "Hong Kong Green Awards 2017"
Writing time:2017-12-01

On 1 December 2017, China Resources Cement (Jinsha) Limited was honored the Hong Kong Green Awards 2017 - Environmental, Health and Safety Award (Large Corporation) – Silver Award. China Resources Cement (Luoding) Limited was awarded the Hong Kong Green Awards 2017 – Green Management Award - Corporate (Large Corporation) – Merit Award. This is the fifth consecutive year that China Resources Cement Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries have achieved "the Hong Kong Green Awards".


The Hong Kong Green Awards was first launched by the Green Council of Hong Kong in 2010, and it now becomes a prominent annual event in Hong Kong. The awards aim to recognize companies with outstanding performance and achievements in various aspects including green purchasing, green management and green governance. China Resources Cement has always persisted in putting its green development philosophy into practice. Through benchmarking itself against the advanced standards of environmental management in the cement industry, the company has continued to strengthen its management capacity in environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction, and to enhance its competitive edge in green development.


CR Cement (Jinsha) and CR Cement (Luoding) were located in Guizhou Province and Guangdong Province. Both of them own annual production capacities of 1.55 million tons of clinker and 2.0 million tons of cement. 

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