
China Resources Cement 2016 Annual Results Presentation was Successfully Held
Writing time:2017-03-15

On March 10, China Resources Cement Holdings Limited (SEHK stock code: 1313) announced its annual results for the year 2016. Profit attributable to owners of the Company amounted to HK$1,325.9 million, representing an increase of 30.6% year-on-year. The annual dividend was HK$0.09 per share, representing an increase of 12.5% year-on-year.


On March 13, CR Cement held the 2016 Annual Results Investor Presentation at China Resources Building in Hong Kong in the morning. The event attracted approximately 140 analysts and fund managers to participate. All seats were filled at the venue and event participants were the highest since the Company was publicly listed. The investors generally gave positive feedback on the Company's results. The Company held a press conference in the afternoon. A total of 17 domestic and international media outlets participated, including TVB, Radio Television Hong Kong, Bloomberg Businessweek, and other large-scale television, radio and paper media outlets.

China Resources Cement 2016 Annual Results Investor Presentation 

2016 Annual Results Announcement of China Resources Cement Holdings Limited


大公報:潤泥多賺三成 股價飆9%

香港電臺網(wǎng)站:華潤水泥料今年市場需求樂觀 對水泥價格有支持


信報:潤泥獲唱好 股價飆一成







阿思達克財經(jīng)網(wǎng):華潤水泥(01313. HK)料水泥價平穩(wěn) 煤炭成本有壓力



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