
Profit Attributable to Owners of the Company Reached HK$1,488.9 Million in 1Q19
Writing time:2019-04-26

(Hong Kong, 26 April 2019) – China Resources Cement Holdings Limited ("China Resources Cement" or the "Company", SEHK stock code: 1313, and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"), the largest and the most competitive cement, clinker and concrete producer in Southern China, announced its unaudited financial information for the three months ended 31 March 2019 (the "Period").

During the Period, the Company's consolidated turnover amounted to approximately HK$7.5 billion, representing a decrease of 6.7% as compared with the corresponding period last year, whereas profit attributable to owners of the Company was HK$1,488.9 million, representing a decrease of 16.9% over the corresponding period last year. Basic earnings per share was HK$0.213. As at 31 March 2019, the total assets of the Company amounted to HK$60.6 billion, net gearing ratio was 5.3% and net assets per share was HK$5.72.

Affected by rainfall in Southern China, the Company's total sales volume of cement and clinker decreased by 7.3% to 16.4 million tons and the sales volume of concrete decreased by 15.0% to 2.6 million m3. The turnover of cement, clinker and concrete accounted for 77.7%, 5.2% and 17.1% of the consolidated turnover of the Company respectively. Guangdong and Guangxi were still the Company's major markets, accounting for 38.0% and 33.5% of the Group's total sales volume of cement respectively. During the Period, the blended average selling price of cement and clinker was HK$379.4 per ton, whereas the average selling price of concrete was HK$499.4 per m3. During the Period, the consolidated gross margin of the Group increased by 1.4 percentage points to 37.9% as compared with the corresponding period last year. The net profit margin was 19.8%. 

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