
CR Cement and Capol Entered into Strategic Co-operation Agreement
Writing time:2017-05-09

On 8 May 2017 afternoon, China Resources Cement Holdings Limited ("CR Cement") and Shenzhen Capol International & Associates Co., Ltd. ("Capol") officially entered into a strategic co-operation agreement in Shenzhen, whereby the parties agreed to co-operate in prefabricated construction and jointly establish a joint venture company for the business of prefabricated construction.

Mr. Ji Youhong, the Chief Executive Officer of CR Cement, and Mr. Tang Chongwu, Chairman of Capol, signed the strategic co-operation agreement on behalf of the parties. Mr. Zhou Longshan, Chairman of CR Cement, Mr. Yu Zhongliang, the Senior Deputy Chief Strategy Officer of the Strategy Management Department of China Resources (Holdings) Company Limited, and Mr. Kong Xiaokai, the Senior Vice President of China Resources Land Limited ("CR Land") witnessed the signing ceremony.

Capol was established in 2000. Its business covers construction design, construction industrialization, research on application of BIM technology, EPC contractor and cost consultation etc. in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Changsha, Chongqing and Hong Kong.

Upon the commencement of strategic co-operation between CR Cement and Capol, the parties shall fully utilize their respective competitive advantages of raw materials research and development, product and technological design, jointly research and develop new technology and new products, and build up competitiveness of prefabricated construction step-by-step through the joint venture company platform. The parties also agreed to proactively explore co-operation in other aspects based on this co-operation.

Mr. Han Yuewei, the Vice President of CR Land, Mr. Long Yufeng, Mr. Lei Zhaoxin and Madam Yan Ming, the Vice Presidents of Capol, Mr. Zhang Liang, the Regional General Manager (Guangdong) of CR Cement and Mr. Li Baojun, the Chief Strategy Officer of CR Cement also attended the signing ceremony.



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