
Profit Attributable to Owners of the Company Reached HK$838 Million for the First Nine Months of 2016
Writing time:2016-10-21

On 21 October 2016, China Resources Cement Holdings Limited (SEHK stock code: 1313) announced its unaudited financial information for the nine months ended 30 September 2016 (the "Period").

During the Period, the Company's consolidated turnover amounted to approximately HK$17.5 billion, representing a decrease of 11.5% as compared with the corresponding period last year, whereas profit attributable to owners of the Company was HK$838 million, representing a decrease of 34.6% from that of the corresponding period last year. Basic earnings per share was HK$0.128.

During the Period, the total sales volume of cement and clinker increased by 3.7% to 59.9 million tons and the sales volume of concrete decreased by 1.1% to 8.8 million m3 as compared with the corresponding period last year. The sales of cement, clinker and concrete accounted for 78.3%, 3.0% and 18.7% of the consolidated turnover of the Company respectively. The blended average selling price of cement and clinker decreased by 14.1% to HK$237 per ton, whereas the average selling price of concrete decreased by 13.2% to HK$371 per m3. During the Period, the consolidated gross margin increased by 0.9 percentage points to 25.3% as compared with the corresponding period last year.

Please refer to the Company's announcement dated 21 October 2016 at

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