
Urban Waste Co-processing Project in Binyang County, Guangxi Province Officially Completed Construction and Acceptance Inspection
Writing time:2016-06-28

On 28 June 2016, China Resources Environmental Protection Engineering (Binyang) Limited officially announced completion of construction and acceptance inspection of its urban waste co-processing project using cement kilns. This is the first urban waste co-processing project by use of cement kilns of China Resources Cement Holdings Limited which has completed construction and acceptance inspection, and also the first attempt of Guangxi in using cement kilns to co-process urban waste.

By introducing the HOTDISC? Combustion Device from FLSmidth in Denmark as well as the waste disposal units and sewage treatment technology from Germany, the project blazed a brand new technology path of "mechanical biological pre-treatment + HOTDISC combustion". The overall design consists of urban waste pre-treatment system, urban waste incineration system, urban waste leachate treatment system and deodorization system. All the emission indicators are in compliance with the current emission standards of European Union, Japan and China. The construction and operational experience of the project will promote the development of co-processing by use of kilns and green transformation in the cement industry.

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