
China Resources Cement Comprehensively Upgrades Its Brand Image
Writing time:2016-06-28

On 28 June 2016, China Resources Cement Holdings Limited ("CR Cement" or "the Company", stock code: 1313) organized an unveiling ceremony for the upgraded brand "Runfeng Cement" in Nanning, Guangxi. The new "Runfeng Cement" brand will become the Company's major brand in the market after gradual restructuring and unification of the existing brands including "Runfeng", "Hongshuihe" and "Haidao" of CR Cement.

By launching this branding campaign for "Runfeng Cement", CR Cement defines the branding position and continuously implements systematic brand marketing strategy, which will further strengthen its existing advantage of corporate brand and gain a differentiated competitive edge in the cement industry. In the future, the Company will create more value for customers by upgrading the products, services and brands. A long-term development and win-win co-operation with customers and partners are established for solid and everlasting business.

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